Dwi wedi bod yn wyth o'r 11 ward yn helpu sicrhau mwyafrif ar y cyngor newydd a beth sy'n fwyaf arwyddocaol ydi'r nifer o ferched ifainc sy'n sefyll am y tro cyntaf. Mae'r rhain yn fwy na neb yn mynd i wneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i ddyfodol gwleidyddol yr ynys a symbylu'r dechrau newydd.
It was good canvassing weather again on Anglesey this Friday. The campaign is now in its final week and really cranking up through the gears. What's most heartening is seeing so many of our candidates being recognised in the streets, in cafes and on the doorsteps. They are already local champions.
I've managed to get to eight of the 11 wards so far to try to ensure a majority for Plaid on the new council and what's most significant is the young women we have standing for the first time. This more than anything is what will make such a difference to the island's political future and symbolises a new start.