Dros Gymru yn Ewrop / For Wales in Europe

Dros Gymru yn Ewrop / For Wales in Europe
ymgyrchu ar y stryd / campaigning on the streets

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Bethan Jenkins yn cefnogi / Support from Bethan Jenkins

Neges oddiwrth Bethan Jenkins, Aelod Cynulliad De Orllewin Cymru.
A message of support from Bethan Jenkins, South Wales West AM:

"I am supporting Marc Jones as a Plaid candidate for the European Parliamentary elections as I believe that he is a strong campaigner, both on a community level in the area where he lives and works, nationally via his enthusiasm for promoting Plaid Cymru to others, and through the work that he has done with Wrexham football club and Saith Seren, showing that grass roots work is key to Plaid’s long term development. 
"I believe that Marc’s politics of the promotion of social justice and equality is a huge asset to Plaid Cymru. He has a passion for what he does, and wants to involve new people in the party – people who may not have seen Plaid Cymru previously as their natural home. He is passionate about Wales and about the promotion of Wales, and I believe that if he was an MEP he would always see an opportunity to link campaigns that he gets involved in back to the streets and the communities of Wales to ensure that they are relevant. 
 "People always ask: 'What does the European Union have to do with us?' As the representative of a party dedicated to freedom within the European Union, I believe that Marc can and will be the candidate that will translate that abstract question in to reality.

Diolch am dy gefnogaeth Bethan. 

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