Tri hystings hyd yma yng Nghaerffili, Caernarfon a Rhuthun. Daeth tua 160 i Gaernarfon a 70 yr un i Gaerffili a Rhuthun.
Mae'n anodd iawn bod yn wrthrychol yng nghanol popeth ond mae pethau wedi mynd yn weddol dda hyd yma. Roedd awyrgylch y theatr yng Nghaernarfon yn siwtio llawer gwell na'r clwb rygbi a'r ganolfan gymunedol ond mae pob un wedi rhoi cyfle i siarad efo bobl newydd a chael cefnogaeth annisgwyl.
Roedd heno'n sbeshal oherwydd fod cymaint wedi dod draw o'r Wyddgrug a Wrecsam yn arbennig.
Roedd y cwestiynu yn parhau'n finiog ac yn atgoffa rhywun o ddywediad Gandhi:
"First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they attack you
And then you win."
Dan ni wedi cyrraedd y trydedd llinell cyn cyrraedd hanner amser!
Edrych ymlaen yn fawr at y 10 diwrnod nesaf yng Nghaerfyrddin, Aberystwyth, Abertawe a Chaerdydd.
Cefnogwch Marc Jones yn Ewrop / Support Marc Jones in Europe
Dros Gymru yn Ewrop / For Wales in Europe
Monday, 13 May 2013
Alun Ffred yn cefnogi Marc / Arfon AM backs Marc
Neges gan Alun Ffred Jones AC: ‘Yn dilyn hystings o safon yng Nghaernarfon, dw i o’r farn y byddai Marc Jones yn gwneud Aelod Ewropeaidd ardderchog. Mae’n cyfuno egni, profiad eang ac argyhoeddiad ymarferol.’
A message of support from Alun Ffred Jones AM: "Following a high standard hustings, I'm of the opinion that Marc Jones would make an excellent MEP. He combines energy, broad experience and conviction."
A message of support from Alun Ffred Jones AM: "Following a high standard hustings, I'm of the opinion that Marc Jones would make an excellent MEP. He combines energy, broad experience and conviction."
Diolch Ffred.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Undebwr llafur yn cefnogi Marc / Trade union support for Marc
Neges o gefnogaeth gan Cerith Griffiths, cadeirydd Undeb Frigad Dân Cymru (yn siarad yn bersonol)/
A message of support from Cerith Griffiths, chair of the Fire Brigade Union Wales (personal capacity):
"I am more than delighted to be supporting Marc Jones as a Plaid Cymru candidate for the European elections. Marc has been an outstanding campaigner both at a national level and at a local level. His work in ensuring the success of the 'Saith Seren' in Wrecsam demonstrates his commitment to his local community. As an MEP, Marc would have the opportunity to extend this work on a national basis which would be of enormous benefit to everyone.
"Marc was a consistent supporter of the Fire Brigade Union during our strike and he has helped make Plaid a credible home for trade union activists."
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Ymgyrchu Ynys Môn / Anglesey campaigning
Roedd hi'n braf cael bod nôl yn canfasio ar Ynys Môn eto yr wythnos yma. Mae'r ymgyrch bellach yn yr wythnos olaf a chriwiau o bob cwr o Gymru yno i helpu. Beth sy'n fwya' calonogol ydi fod cymaint o'n ymgeiswyr yn adnabyddus yn eu cymunedau, eisoes yn ymgyrchwyr ac yn bencampwyr lleol.
Dwi wedi bod yn wyth o'r 11 ward yn helpu sicrhau mwyafrif ar y cyngor newydd a beth sy'n fwyaf arwyddocaol ydi'r nifer o ferched ifainc sy'n sefyll am y tro cyntaf. Mae'r rhain yn fwy na neb yn mynd i wneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i ddyfodol gwleidyddol yr ynys a symbylu'r dechrau newydd.
It was good canvassing weather again on Anglesey this Friday. The campaign is now in its final week and really cranking up through the gears. What's most heartening is seeing so many of our candidates being recognised in the streets, in cafes and on the doorsteps. They are already local champions.
I've managed to get to eight of the 11 wards so far to try to ensure a majority for Plaid on the new council and what's most significant is the young women we have standing for the first time. This more than anything is what will make such a difference to the island's political future and symbolises a new start.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Bethan Jenkins yn cefnogi / Support from Bethan Jenkins
Neges oddiwrth Bethan Jenkins, Aelod Cynulliad De Orllewin Cymru.
A message of support from Bethan Jenkins, South Wales West AM:
"I am supporting Marc Jones as a Plaid candidate for the European Parliamentary elections as I believe that he is a strong campaigner, both on a community level in the area where he lives and works, nationally via his enthusiasm for promoting Plaid Cymru to others, and through the work that he has done with Wrexham football club and Saith Seren, showing that grass roots work is key to Plaid’s long term development.
"I believe that Marc’s politics of the promotion of social justice and equality is a huge asset to Plaid Cymru. He has a passion for what he does, and wants to involve new people in the party – people who may not have seen Plaid Cymru previously as their natural home. He is passionate about Wales and about the promotion of Wales, and I believe that if he was an MEP he would always see an opportunity to link campaigns that he gets involved in back to the streets and the communities of Wales to ensure that they are relevant.
"People always ask: 'What does the European Union have to do with us?' As the representative of a party dedicated to freedom within the European Union, I believe that Marc can and will be the candidate that will translate that abstract question in to reality.
Diolch am dy gefnogaeth Bethan.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Nerys Evans yn cefnogi ymgyrch Marc
Dwi'n ddiolchgar i Nerys Evans, cyn-Aelod Cynulliad Gorllewin a Chanolbarth Cymru, am ei chefnogaeth i'm ymgyrch Ewropeaidd.
I'm very grateful to Nerys Evans, former AM for Mid and West Wales, for her support for my European campaign.
"Mae gan Marc y profiad a'r gallu i fod yn aelod allweddol o'r tîm Ewropeaidd. Mae ei waith di-flino fel cynghorydd ac fel pencampwr yn ei gymuned yn rhywbeth sydd ei angen ar lefel Ewropeaidd."
"Marc has got the experience and ability to be a key member of the European team. His unstinting work as a councillor and a community champion is something that is needed at a European level."
Cynghorydd Sir Ddinbych yn cefnogi / Support from Denbighshire councillor
Neges o gefnogaeth oddiwrth y Cynghorydd Arwel Roberts, Rhuddlan, a ennillodd sedd mewn ardal digon anodd i'r Blaid. Mae popeth yn bosibl efo'r bobl iawn! Diolch Arwel....
"Gyfeillion wedi ystyried yr ymgeiswyr yn y ras mae fy nghefnogaeth y tro hwn yn tynnu tuag at Marc Jones, Wrecsam. Hwn yw'r ymgeisydd gorau yn y ras i fod yn gyntaf ar y rhestr dros Plaid Cymru yn y ras tuag at Etholiad Ewrop.
Mae angen rhywun newydd arnom i gynrychiolu ni yn Ewrop gyda syniadau blaengar ac mae Marc yn un o amryw da and credaf mae ef yw y gorau i'r swydd.
Fellow members - after due consideration I support Marc Jones, Wrecsam. In my opinion he is the best applicant to be first on the list for Plaid Cymru in the coming European Election.
We need new blood in Europe to represent us with bright ideas - Marc amongst all the candidates stands out - he will be the best of all."
A message of support from Councillor Arwel Roberts, of Rhuddlan, who won a seat in a difficult area for Plaid last year. It shows what's possible with the right people!
Caerffili does it
Neges o gefnogaeth oddiwrth y Cynghorydd Phil Bevan o Gaerffili:
A message of support from Cllr Phil Bevan from Caerffili:
"Marc Jones gets my first vote because he has fought and won in a very difficult area for Plaid. His local record in the last 30 years has been exemplary and deserves support. His community involvement shows his commitment to his patch, and his commitment to Wales, its people and Plaid Cymru cannot be faulted.
I wish him luck with his campaign and will drink his health when he wins."
Phil Bevan, Caerffili.
Diolch Phil
Friday, 19 April 2013
Ein gwasanaeth iechyd dan fygythiad dan Lafur
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Yn hynod falch fod Marc am sefyll fel ymgeisydd y Blaid ar gyfer etholiad Ewrop. Mae gan Marc ddaliadau gwleidyddol cyffroes a chyson, a rhinwedd sy'n llawer rhy brin yng Nghymru - mae'n gwneud i bethau ddigwydd. Pob lwc Marc.
I'm delighted that Marc is standing for the Plaid nomination for the European election. Marc is a politician that posses a rare quality - he makes things happen. He will be an asset to the whole of Wales. Pob lwc Marc.
Llyr ab Alwyn, Caernarfon
Llyr Gruffydd yn cefnogi / Support from Llyr Gruffydd
"Rwy’n cefnogi Marc Jones fel rhif 1 ar gyfer etholiadau Ewrop oherwydd ei sgiliau ymgyrchu di-hafal, ei wybodaeth eang o Gymru a’r materion sy’n bwysig i’n cymunedau. Mae ei brofiad newyddiadurol wedi bod yn werthfawr iawn yma yn y Gogledd ac edrychaf ymlaen i’w weld yn defnyddio’r sgiliau hynny drwy Gymru gyfan er mwyn hybu amcanion Plaid Cymru."
- Llyr Gruffydd AC Gogledd Cymru
"I’m backing Marc Jones as the number 1 candidate for the European elections because of his long-standing campaigning skills, his broad knowledge of Wales and the issues that concern our communities. His journalistic experience has been vital here in North Wales and I look forward to seeing him utilise those skills throughout Wales to advance the aims of Plaid Cymru."
- Llyr Gruffydd, North Wales AM
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Enwebiadau / Nominations
Rydwi'n falch iawn fod etholaethau Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Penfro a Wrecsam wedi fy nghefnogi ar gyfer ymgeisyddiaeth etholiad Ewrop. Mae cangen y Tyllgoed yng Nghaerdydd hefyd wedi fy nghefnogi. Diolch o galon.
I am very pleased that the Carmarthen West and South Pembroke and Wrecsam constituencies have supported my nomination for the European election. The Fairwater branch in Cardiff have also supported me. Thanks very much.
Cefnogwyr / Supporters
"Mae'n bleser gen i gefnogi Marc fel ymgeisydd ar gyfer Etholiadau Ewrop. Gyda'i brofiad fel Cynghorydd Sir a'i waith ardderchog fel arweinydd yn ei gymuned gyda cynllun Saith Seren fe fyddai'n gynrychiolydd ardderchog i Gymru yn Ewrop."
- y Cynghorydd Ellen ap Gwynn, arweinydd Cyngor Ceredigion
"I’m delighted to support Marc as a candidate for the European election. With his experience as a county councillor and his excellent work as a community leader with the Saith Seren project, he will make an excellent representative for Wales in Europe."
- Councillor Ellen ap Gwynn, leader of Ceredigion Council
Annwyl Ffrindiau,
Ro’n i’n falch iawn o glywed am ddiddordeb Marc yn ymgeisyddiaeth Ewrop dros Blaid Cymru.
Rwy’n credu ei fod yn ymgeisydd eithriadol o gryf a phrofiadol sydd wedi profi’i hun fel ymgyrchydd llwyddiannus ac ymarferol. Mae ei draed wastad ar y ddaear ac mae’n nabod pobl ar sawl lefel, nid dim ond y dosbarthiadau ymgomio! Mae hefyd yn hynod brofiadol wrth ddelio â’r cyfryngau ac yn gallu crisialu ei neges yn glir ac i’r pwynt. Mae’n ymgeisydd poblogaidd yn lleol sydd eto’n gallu cynnig perspectif cenedlaethol a rhyng-genedlaethol.
Rwy’n dymuno pob llwyddiant i Marc ac i’r Blaid. Rwy’n disgwyl fod y pleidiau eraill eisoes yn crynu yn eu sgidiau!
Ro’n i’n falch iawn o glywed am ddiddordeb Marc yn ymgeisyddiaeth Ewrop dros Blaid Cymru.
Rwy’n credu ei fod yn ymgeisydd eithriadol o gryf a phrofiadol sydd wedi profi’i hun fel ymgyrchydd llwyddiannus ac ymarferol. Mae ei draed wastad ar y ddaear ac mae’n nabod pobl ar sawl lefel, nid dim ond y dosbarthiadau ymgomio! Mae hefyd yn hynod brofiadol wrth ddelio â’r cyfryngau ac yn gallu crisialu ei neges yn glir ac i’r pwynt. Mae’n ymgeisydd poblogaidd yn lleol sydd eto’n gallu cynnig perspectif cenedlaethol a rhyng-genedlaethol.
Rwy’n dymuno pob llwyddiant i Marc ac i’r Blaid. Rwy’n disgwyl fod y pleidiau eraill eisoes yn crynu yn eu sgidiau!
Robat Gruffudd, Talybont, Ceredigion
I was very pleased to hear of Marc's interest in standing for Europe on behalf of Plaid Cymru.
I believe he is an exceptionally strong candidate who has proved himself as a successful and pratical campaigner. His feet are solidly on the ground and he knows people on several levels, not just among the chattering classes! He is also very experienced in dealing with the media and can crystalise his message clearly and to the point. He is a popular candidate locally who can offer a national and international perspective.
I wish Marc and Plaid every success. I expect the other parties are already quaking in their boots!
Robat Gruffudd, Talybont, Ceredigion
"Falch iawn o dy gefnogi ti Marc - ti yw un o wleidyddion pwysica Cymru."
"Very happy to support you Marc - you are one of Wales's most important politicians."
Toni Schiavone, Pandy Tudur
"Very happy to support you Marc - you are one of Wales's most important politicians."
Monday, 8 April 2013
Etholaethau yn cefnogi / Constituency support
Rydwi'n falch iawn fod etholaethau Gorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Penfro a Wrecsam wedi fy nghefnogi ar gyfer ymgeisyddiaeth etholiad Ewrop. Mae cangen y Tyllgoed yng Nghaerdydd hefyd wedi fy nghefnogi. Diolch o galon.
I am very pleased that the Carmarthen West and South Pembroke and Wrecsam constituencies have supported my nomination for the European election. The Fairwater branch in Cardiff have also supported me. Thanks very much.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Labour's hypocrisy over sheep farmers snow losses
Alun Davies, Minister for Natural Resources and Food, said there would be no financial aid for farmers who have lost stock in the snow: “You don’t create a strong business base by throwing public money at every problem you face”.
Cardiff Airport is presumably a different kind of problem?
* NOTE: These pictures were taken on the lower slopes of the Clwydian range 10 days after the snow started falling.
* NOTE: These pictures were taken on the lower slopes of the Clwydian range 10 days after the snow started falling.
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